/manager/Index ${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 First neutron data recorded at the V20 Test Instrument utilizing prototype chopper systems and beam monitors planned for ESS /manager/Repository/uon:37383 Wed 28 Oct 2020 11:05:03 AEDT ]]> Bragg-edge elastic strain tomography /manager/Repository/uon:49897 Wed 14 Jun 2023 10:29:47 AEST ]]> Force chains in monodisperse spherical particle assemblies: three-dimensional measurements using neutrons /manager/Repository/uon:20227 Wed 11 Apr 2018 14:55:27 AEST ]]> "m=1" coatings for neutron guides /manager/Repository/uon:17629 Wed 11 Apr 2018 11:37:39 AEST ]]> Residual stress measurement in a high strength T Butt weld specimen by the neutron diffraction and deep hole drilling techniques /manager/Repository/uon:33013 Wed 04 Sep 2019 12:17:35 AEST ]]> Multi-Grid detector for neutron spectroscopy: results obtained on time-of-flight spectrometer CNCS /manager/Repository/uon:34656 Wed 04 Sep 2019 09:49:38 AEST ]]> Neutron detectors for the ESS diffractometers /manager/Repository/uon:34554 Wed 04 Sep 2019 09:48:05 AEST ]]> Tomographic reconstruction of triaxial strain fields from Bragg-edge neutron imaging /manager/Repository/uon:36350 Wed 01 Apr 2020 16:34:32 AEDT ]]> Determination of the elastic constants of oriented polycrystalline Ti3SiC2 via coherent inelastic neutron scattering and ab-initio Molecular Dynamics - Density Functional Theory calculations /manager/Repository/uon:43161 Tue 13 Sep 2022 15:35:26 AEST ]]> Evaluation of a method for time-of-flight, wavelength and neutron flight path calibration for neutron scattering instruments by means of a mini-chopper and standard neutron monitors /manager/Repository/uon:52389 4 Å. With the use of a thinner monitor, a δλ mean / λ mean of ∼1% can be reached and with a modest increase of the distance between the reference monitor positions a δλ mean / λ mean of below 0.5% can be achieved. Further improvements are possible by using smaller chopper disc openings and a higher rotational speed chopper. The method requires only two neutron measurements and doesn't necessitate the use of crystals or complex fitting with sigmoid functions and multiple free variables, and could constitute a suitable addition to imaging, diffraction, reflectometers and small angle neutron scattering instruments, at spallation sources, that do not normally utilise fast choppers.]]> Tue 10 Oct 2023 14:46:18 AEDT ]]> Tomographic reconstruction of two-dimensional residual strain fields from Bragg-Edge neutron imaging /manager/Repository/uon:35238 Tue 02 Jul 2019 15:21:49 AEST ]]> Evolution of a contact force network in a 2D granular assembly: an examination using neutron diffraction /manager/Repository/uon:40402 Thu 24 Aug 2023 09:28:56 AEST ]]> Single crystal elastic constants of the MAX phase Ti<sub>3</sub>AlC<sub>2</sub> determined by neutron diffraction /manager/Repository/uon:12011 3AlC2 has an interesting combination of electrical, thermal and mechanical properties. Single crystal elastic constants under the Reuss approximation for the micromechanical state were obtained by analysing the shifts of neutron diffraction peaks while a polycrystalline sample was subjected to a compressive load varying from 5 to 300 MPa. The values of Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio computed from the single crystal compliances are in good agreement with those obtained directly from strain gauges and from the average changes in the a and c unit cell parameters.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:11:34 AEDT ]]> Shear stiffness in nanolaminar Ti₃SiC₂ challenges ab initio calculations /manager/Repository/uon:10719 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:09:48 AEDT ]]> Non-contact measurement of the stress within granular materials via neutron diffraction /manager/Repository/uon:19969 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:54:29 AEDT ]]> Neutron beam monitors for the European spallation source /manager/Repository/uon:29910 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:40:55 AEDT ]]> Stress distributions in compacted powders in convergent and stepped dies /manager/Repository/uon:29118 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:36:56 AEDT ]]> Measurement and analysis of the stress distribution during die compaction using neutron diffraction /manager/Repository/uon:26227 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:24:06 AEDT ]]>